Sunday, April 12, 2015

Flourish: The Gradual Growth Process

by Rebecca Ashbrook Carrell

The LORD passed in front of Moses, calling out, "Yahweh! The LORD! The God of compassion and mercy! I am slow to anger and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.
—Exodus 34:6 NLT

          April 16th, 2015, marks a birthday for my daughter and an anniversary for me. Caitlyn will be nine-years-old. I will have been a mother for exactly nine years and nine months.
          As I have watched both of my children grow through the years, a thought has played on repeat in my mind: I had no idea how much power I had over my mother and father.
          It’s true. My children hold the power of my very well-being in their small hands; my heart is stretched out and woven through their little fingers. A goofy grin or tear-stained face can change my mood in an instant.
          Some of the brightest mountain-top moments over the past nine years are framed as a “first:” first word, first crawl or the first day of school.
          Recently I thought about Caitlyn’s first steps.
          We were at a family gathering, celebrating the April and May birthdays. That’s when my daughter—who’s never met an audience she didn’t love—chose to make her walking debut.
          The family was sitting in a circle around the living room and Caitlyn had all eyes on her. So far she had done nothing more than stand-and-release. Pull herself up with a walker, let go, wobble a bit, and grab back on to the toy.
          Suddenly, she got brave.
          With her Daddy on the other side of the room, she looked his direction and broke into a heart-melting grin. “Come on, Caitlyn! Come to Daddy,” my husband coaxed.
          “Da!” she exclaimed, and off she went. She toddled three, four, five steps in a row and promptly fell back on her ruffled behind.
          Cheers and shouts erupted from the group, and her “Da,” no longer able to stand still, rushed to his daughter, scooped her in his arms and tossed her into the air.
          “That’s my girl!” Mike laughed, “That’s my girl! Daddy is so proud!”
          Research definitively shows that when children are raised in a loving, supportive environment, when their needs are met and they feel secure, they thrive.
          So it is with your Heavenly Father.
          Can you image what my daughter and son would be like if, instead of cheering on their efforts, we berated their lack of success?
          What parent gets angry at a child as they are learning to walk and run?
          Recently my son, Nick, learned how to ride his bike without training wheels. It was a bumpy process, and not without both blood and bruises. He would try, fall down, and cry. Mike or I would run to his side, kiss the boo-boo, speak words of encouragement, and the cycle would repeat itself.
Never at any time did we get frustrated. Not once did we make him feel incapable.
          Instead, with time, effort and tenderness, we prodded him along until finally, he did it on his own.
          Now he rides that bike like he’s been doing it all his life.
          Friend, do you know that when you mess up, your Father is not the scary dad at the soccer game? He is not the angry parent, cracking the whip, demanding that you get it right.
          Your Heavenly Father is the One who meets you in your mess, whispers words of grace, and prods you to persevere. “Try again,” He urges, “and again, and again, and again!”
          If you have walked with the Lord for some time you may know the difference between salvation and sanctification. Salvation happens in an instant; the very moment you come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ—a faith that understands your sin nature and desperate need for a savior—that is the moment you are ushered into the Kingdom.
          You are adopted. You are sealed. You are never getting out.
          That is salvation.
          Salvation is instantaneous.
          Sanctification is the process of becoming more like Christ.
          Sanctification is a process.
          Allow me to repeat.
          Sanctification is a process.
          You are not going to wake up one day and have no interest in sin.
          God knows that.
          You are not going to get to a place where you never make mistakes.
          God expects you to make mistakes.
          You will struggle to tell the truth, to stay in the lines, and to speak in love. Some days you’ll stumble into sin and other days you’ll dive right in.
          That’s why you need a Savior.
          I have no misgivings about my children. They will blow it. They will fail. They will mess things up.
          Lucky for them, their behavior has nothing to do with my love for them. I don’t love them because of what they do and don’t do. I don’t love them more when they hit a home run or less when they strike out. They don’t receive any more affection for an “A” than they do an “F,” because their performance has no bearing on my love for them.
          Their “success” and my love are two distinct entities that occupy different galaxies.
          And so it is with your Heavenly Father.
          What does this mean for you? It means that you can relax. You can rest. You can turn off the spiritual treadmill. God is not hovering over you waiting for you to mess up, so He can let you have it.
          God is living in you, going before you and protectively surrounding you so He can lift you up when you fall.
          In Him, you have everything you could ever need to thrive.
          Oceans of mercy. Rivers of compassion. A love that spans eternity.
          Root yourself deep in the soil of His Word. Drink deeply from the Living Water. Feast on the Bread of Life.
          Flourish under the light of His love.
          Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.—Micah 7:18-19 NIV

Rebecca Ashbrook Carrell is a Christ follower, a wife to Mike, mother to Caitlyn and Nick, and a morning show co-host on Christian station 90.9 KCBI in Dallas/Fort Worth. Rebecca started her radio career in country music in 1998. In 2009, after a long bout with depression and anxiety, Rebecca redirected her life and answered God’s call to ministry. One day, while asking God what He wanted her to do with her life, He gave her three words: Love, Serve, Shine! The words quickly became her life’s mission: to love others the way Christ loves us, to serve others as Christ did when He washed the disciples’ feet, and to shine His light for the world to see. She founded LSS (Love, Serve, Shine!) Ministries, and speaks and teaches at churches and conferences region-wide. Today, her passion is to see women fall in love with Jesus and step into the abundant life He promises. Find out more about LSS Ministries at

Friday, April 3, 2015


by Punky Tolson

Sweet sisters of First Baptist Church Irving… I CAN HARDLY WAIT TO MEET YOU ALL!!!  I just had to shout-type that greeting because lowercase words don’t always get the point across as effectively and passionately, and I so want you to know that I am really, REALLY looking forward to our time together in April! I am in great anticipation and expectation of what the Lord is going to deliver to us that weekend and I hope for nothing less than His sweet presence to overwhelm us. In the meantime, please know that I am praying for each one of you, and today I hope to encourage you in the Lord to set your mind to intentionally pursue Jesus today and every day.  Not in some crazy legalistic way, but in the way of love… in order that you might know Him better and live more fully in His love. 

Before you scratch you head bald, let me explain. 

It’s one thing to know that God loves you (head knowledge).  It’s another thing to believe it (heart knowledge).  But it is quite a different thing altogether to live loved- to live with the knowledge, belief, and the continual life experience of God’s love on a daily basis; to live right in the center of His love (Jude 20-21a).  At any given moment to be able to stop and hold out the finger of faith to test the winds of the Spirit and confidently say, “Yes… I’m living loved right now because I… _________________________ (you fill in the blank).

I’m not talking about a goosebumps/hair-raising experience.  
I’m talking about living… the kind of daily living in love that turns the ordinary into the extraordinary because we’re engaging with God relationally…
in His Word and through the everyday experiences of our life.

For years I lived with certain head knowledge of God’s love; I taught Bible studies for women for 15 years, I had a hunger and thirst for God and His Word, but my life experience of living loved was inconsistent. I knew there was more, and I desperately wanted it. 

In early 2014 I began my intentional spiritual quest to the place I call “living loved”. It’s not a place I’ve not returned from, nor do I intend to.  It’s where I now live.  It’s where God wants you and me to live continually… to abide…to remain.  Living loved is the place where we come to know more and more of this awesome God of ours, to know Him as our Abba, our friend; to trust His character; to believe Him; and to fall in love with Him over and over again.  Living loved the place where we become our true selves- the real women of God that He has created us to be…women who are fully functioning, thriving, and flourishing in that particular place where we have the most profound purpose, influence and the greatest impact for Christ on this planet. 

Living loved does not happen by accident.  If you ever dare to go there, it will be because you’ve determined to get there.  The journey there for me was profoundly quick, and profoundly life changing.  
It began with the conscious decision to intentionally love God through His Word, and out of that love to obey Him… in the big things and the not-so-big things. 
Let these sweet words of Jesus settle into your mind and heart: “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me.  He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.”    (John 14:21, NIV84)
God knows those who love Him, and the litmus test is obedience. 
The more we know of God, the more we will grow to love Him; the more we love Him, the more we will desire to obey Him; the more we obey Him, the more we will know and experience His love for us…and the more Jesus will show Himself to us. The blessing that follows the woman who obeys God is the blessing of continually living loved.  That woman sees God everywhere…every day, because God delights to be loved by her, and gladly responds to her love and obedience.

In the beautiful words of Jeremiah the Lord speaks to us saying, 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord...” (Jeremiah 29:11-14a)

We get pretty excited about knowing the prosperous and hope-filled plans He has for our future.  But the emphasis here is not on the future plans, but on knowing the One who knows our future. The phrase “when you seek me with all your heart” means to seek, to search for as a vital necessity for life” (Hebrew/Greek Lexical Aids)You and I will never come to trust or love whom we do not know. Therefore- make it your prayer to fall in love with Jesus; make it your passionate pursuit to know God; make it the holy ambition of your life to obey Him out of your great love for Him.  

Every new day brings a new beginning, with God’s brand new mercies and grace to help us live the life He’s purposed for us.  The best life.  The loved life.  So, begin again today.  Make this your prayer and surrender yourself to the Lord with arms outstretched, reaching toward Him and everything He has for you:

Lord, I want to love you more than anything and anyone,
and to desire nothing on this earth as much or more than I desire you. 
Give me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to know you better (Eph. 1:17), be the greatest delight of my heart, and help me to live in your love.
To the praise of Your glory, and in the matchless name of Jesus I pray.

If you pray that prayer daily, you. will. be. changed… for the better, changed for good, and ruined for anything less than more of God. 

OK, my sweet friends… I am counting the days until we will meet face-to-face and have a ball together with the Lord in His marvelous Word!

You are greatly and dearly loved by The King!

xo - Punky

Bible Teach. Speaker. Writer. Author. Disciple-maker.
Lover of Jesus! Crazy about His Word! Passionate about helping women know and love Him.
Wife to John, partner in ministry at John and Punky Tolson Ministries (
Breast cancer survivor. Lover of coffee, chocolate, and all things pumpkin.  Crazy about my Frenchie, Gigi!

Single until age 43, Punky Leonard Tolson pursued love and true satisfaction through many avenues, including a career in the entertainment industry (“Norma” in the movie, ‘Something to Talk About’ with Julia Roberts). But it was through personal trials, wrong choices, and heartbreaks that she finally found the true love of her life in Jesus Christ and grew into a personal, intimate and loving relationship with Him, which ultimately transformed her life. Because of this, Punky’s greatest desire is to help others know Jesus, to love God’s Word, and to daily live out His truth in their lives. In 2009, Punky received the diagnosis of breast cancer. In the year that followed she underwent several surgeries, a double mastectomy, and chemotherapy. Punky holds that season of her life as one of the most precious, and encourages other women facing struggles of any kind to hold steadfast to God and His Word, where they will find a faithful source of encouragement, healing, promise, and profound purpose in the midst of pain. Punky speaks locally and nationally at women’s conferences and events sharing her story of finding freedom and true satisfaction in Christ, marrying later in life, being a breast cancer survivor, living the life you were destined for, and more. She is the founder of Women at the Well, an interdenominational Bible Study in Dallas, Texas, and a contributing writer for God Crazy Freedom. In 2003, Punky and her husband, John, began a new discipleship ministry designed to equip men and women to become and mentor disciples of Jesus Christ. Punky and her husband, Dr. John Tolson, were married in 2001 and are true partners in the Gospel. Their life’s mission is to serve the Lord by making disciples for Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19–20). They serve the Lord through John and Punky Tolson Ministries, in Dallas, Texas.  Punky has been blessed with a beautiful and godly stepdaughter, Christin, son-in-law, Joe, three precious granddaughters, and a wonderful stepson, Luke.