Monday, February 23, 2015

My Journey to Build a Ministry by Walking in Obedience to God’s Calling

                   By Michelle Stanphill

          My journey toward obedience began at the age of twenty nine when I was saved. I told the Lord I wanted Him at the center of my life, and I promised to obey and serve Him anytime, anywhere, at any cost, to do anything. I asked Him to make me the kind of person He wanted me to be.
          At the time I prayed this I did not know that the promise I made to obey and serve would turn to a change in careers. 
          Life was good and easy – maybe too easy. I had everything I could possibly want: my heavenly Father, my husband, my family, wonderful co-workers and a job, where I was comfortable both financially and with my abilities. But God had plans to take me out of my comfort zone, a place I, on my own, could not imagine.
         This particular year I grew deep in the word under the teaching of some very gifted servants at First Irving.  I began to wrestle and become discontent in my journey. I looked to God for guidance, submitted my day into His care, and asked for clarity of His will for my life. While waiting in silence for God to speak to me, I was approached about a new ministry opportunity. 
          It was then I felt God’s presence come over me. I received a clear divine understanding of what God wanted of me. He impressed it upon my heart. It was time to move out of my comfort zone and move into part-time ministry.
          Panic and fear gripped me.
          How could God expect me to give up my job and the financial provision I had worked many years to achieve? I could never be in ministry. I wasn't educated; I could not speak well in front of large groups.
          I was sure this was just a dream made up in my head. It was easy to justify walking away from this thought and tell myself it couldn't have been God speaking. Those were just my own thoughts intervening during this prayer time. So I ignored the message, yet I went back into prayer and asked God for confirmation. If this was something that He wanted me to do, I needed to know without a doubt. 
God said, “walk this way.”
          As I look back on what transpired, I knew this wasn't something I could have done on my own. My selfish thoughts, fears and worries would have prevented me from going ahead in this transition, this new journey.  It would have been easy to come up with great excuses to quit as I encountered each hurdle throughout the first few years.But I couldn't.
This was something God wanted of me, and I had to be obedient.  Laying down all fears and pride, the Lord began rising up others to come along side and minister to me and with me.
          Internally it was difficult, but I kept my eyes on the Lord and recalled His promise to me: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls- Matthew 11:28.
         Early one morning I remember sitting in my office. It was very quiet. No one was in the office. It was one of those peaceful moments, where I could be alone with God.  I cried out to God, asking Him to reveal Himself to me. I wanted to feel His presence, His peace, His wisdom, His vision. Lovingly, He answered my prayer. He came alive in my heart, and His presence was real.
         God’s words were clear and reassuring enough to release me from my fears. He said, “You are not alone; you are never alone. Who do you think is in control of your life and this ministry? 
I have placed gifted women in My church, now go and build a team of women.”
          Again, I cried out in despair to God. I felt so inadequate so unworthy, sure that he picked the wrong person to direct His Ministry and seek out women to lead.
          I lacked the years of experience and wisdom that others I served with in ministry had. My past certainly didn’t portray a Christ-like picture of someone called into ministry. 
          God brought to my mind the story of Moses, who reluctantly came to Him with these words: “Who am I?” Then following a conversation with God, Moses continued to display his doubts: “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say the Lord did not appear to you?”
          This is exactly how I felt. I can’t teach or speak before large crowds. I am a normal human being with insecurities and doubts, just like others.  But God showed me. 
He picked me because of my inadequacies and my willingness to be used.
          I’m ashamed to admit during this time and at times still I have felt angry at my inability, alone, insecure and unworthy. Satan has tried to have a great hold over me. My husband, Brent, helped me realize these feelings were from the enemy. 
          On my knees, I cried out to God, confessed my sins and my disobedience to Him. Again I felt His indescribable peace – a peace I did not deserve. He is such a forgiving God! 
          He reminded me of His words in Psalm 34:18: “The Lord is close to the broken hearted. He rescues those who are crushed in spirit.” 
I lost sight of the fact that every pain or problem we experience is a character-building opportunity to increase our faith.
          I did not see the transformation God was doing in my life, and I was robbing myself of the joy that Christ had set before me. He knew what it was like to truly experience pain, loneliness and rejection to its fullest. He felt my pain, disappointments and doubts.
          I see now that God was molding me, changing me. He was strengthening my character in order to be strong in Him and for Him. 
          James 1:2 reaffirmed this truth to me: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of any kind, because you know the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
          Reflecting on God’s faithfulness, my character has been strengthened. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
          It is not my own strength that gets me through life’s adversities but God’s. I don’t have to rely on myself. I have all I need through Christ. Because of my willingness, I had been given greater insight into God’s plan and desires for me.
          God guided me forward and provided the right people to make it happen. He protected me and gave me amazing strength and courage. He held my hand when I needed Him, and He carried me when I was too weak to move on my own. Through building a team of women and using the gifts the Lord gave them, many women are now facilitating bible studies, coordinating events, leading prayer ministries, serving on greeting teams, coordinating meals, mentoring, designing sets and publicity materials, leading women to Christ, and making disciples. I give Him all the praise!
          You may feel like I was feeling  inadequate. You may see yourself as just a plain, insignificant nobody, just as I felt and just as Moses felt. But in God’s eyes we are very special. Each one of us has been created by Him. We all have a purpose here on earth and are a part of God’s glorious story. We just have to decide what type of character we want to be. We can be part of God’s story, or we can write our own.
Faith and obedience go hand in hand. 
          What will you choose today? God made me part of His story. God has a rewarding part for you to play in His story, if you are willing and obedient.  

Michelle Stanphill-
Michelle is the Director of Ministries for Assimilation, Connection’s, and Women’s Ministry at First Baptist Church Irving since May 2006.  She has been married to her husband, Brent for 19 years. They have three beautiful daughters, one son-in-law, one granddaughter, grandson and another one on the way. Prior to her employment at First Irving, Michelle worked for a corporation as a sales liaison. As a member for 17 years, she has deep love for First Irving. She is passionate about providing opportunities for others to grow in God’s Word, and equip them to use the gifts that God has given them. Her favorite verse is 2 Corinthians 12:9 “but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.”